I have been saying I am going to start this blog for over a year now, and today was the day... After texting several friends for ideas on what in the sam hill to call it, I went with the title of my doctoral dissertation, since that seems to sum up my life most of the time. Sigh.... I do hope that it is as entertaining as I think it might be. I have so many stories that need to be told so that I do not forget them, and my life, such that it is, is a reality television show just waiting to be taped. In fact, I often feel as if I need to be screaming, "Stay with me, Camera Guy!"
As I type this, my younger son has just stuck his head in the back door and called, "Mom, are you okay? Just checking on ya, and making sure you are still in the house." He has issues with knowing where I am at all times... so he makes sure I am always where I am supposed to be ~ now, where that is specifically, I do not know. But as long as I am able to answer him within a nanosecond, all is well. Should I take an entire second once he has called out, a SWAT team just might be deployed to find me. But he is not alone in his need to know of my whereabouts at all times. Oh no! My neurotic chihuahua, Chewy, is curled up against my side. Now, it is important to note that I acquired Chewy from a friend last week. This friend owns a kennel and Chewy was a stud chihuahua until it was determined he was shooting blanks. Guess there is not much use for a blank-shooting stud in the dog breeding business, and being the soft-hearted person that I am, I took Choo-Choo in. Immediately, I changed his name to Chewy and gave him a bath ~ both activities I assumed would make him align himself with my sons. No joy. He is stuck to me like glue. I had just recently broken my sons of the habit of following my every footstep and sitting outside the bathroom door when I went for a little "quiet time," but guess who now is right on my heels with every step and who whines outside the door when I take a bath or go to "do my business"? Or even worse, guess who has been known to come in the room of rest and actually jump up in my lap during my moments of being indisposed? Sigh... I think he may need a visit from the dog whisperer.... I have tried that "shhspt" noise Cesar does, but it doesn't work on Chewy....
Okay, I promise all of my posts won't be stream-of-consciousness (like the "Jilting of Granny Weatherall" or some strange Rainman rambling) and they will, from this point on, have a central plot or idea. In fact, I have written several of them down and will begin getting teaching stories, my "life in general" stories, raising my sons stories, or "you just won't believe this" stories published for general enjoyment as the days progress. Hopefully this will be as much fun for those who log on to read as it will be for me as I make progress as a wanna-be writer.
As I type this, my younger son has just stuck his head in the back door and called, "Mom, are you okay? Just checking on ya, and making sure you are still in the house." He has issues with knowing where I am at all times... so he makes sure I am always where I am supposed to be ~ now, where that is specifically, I do not know. But as long as I am able to answer him within a nanosecond, all is well. Should I take an entire second once he has called out, a SWAT team just might be deployed to find me. But he is not alone in his need to know of my whereabouts at all times. Oh no! My neurotic chihuahua, Chewy, is curled up against my side. Now, it is important to note that I acquired Chewy from a friend last week. This friend owns a kennel and Chewy was a stud chihuahua until it was determined he was shooting blanks. Guess there is not much use for a blank-shooting stud in the dog breeding business, and being the soft-hearted person that I am, I took Choo-Choo in. Immediately, I changed his name to Chewy and gave him a bath ~ both activities I assumed would make him align himself with my sons. No joy. He is stuck to me like glue. I had just recently broken my sons of the habit of following my every footstep and sitting outside the bathroom door when I went for a little "quiet time," but guess who now is right on my heels with every step and who whines outside the door when I take a bath or go to "do my business"? Or even worse, guess who has been known to come in the room of rest and actually jump up in my lap during my moments of being indisposed? Sigh... I think he may need a visit from the dog whisperer.... I have tried that "shhspt" noise Cesar does, but it doesn't work on Chewy....
Okay, I promise all of my posts won't be stream-of-consciousness (like the "Jilting of Granny Weatherall" or some strange Rainman rambling) and they will, from this point on, have a central plot or idea. In fact, I have written several of them down and will begin getting teaching stories, my "life in general" stories, raising my sons stories, or "you just won't believe this" stories published for general enjoyment as the days progress. Hopefully this will be as much fun for those who log on to read as it will be for me as I make progress as a wanna-be writer.
Granny Weatherall....oh yes, the ole bag that wouldn't die. She scared the crap out of my students.
I just started blogging too. Look forward to keeping up with you. I posted you on my blog as one of the blogs I follow. Love the title of your blog. Enjoy blogging!
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